Hermandad del Santo Sepulcro
Foundation year: 1948
Canonical See: S. I. Co-Cathedral of San Nicolás de Bari
Santísimo Cristo Yacente • Valencian School 1943
The corporate shield contains significant elements that give full meaning to the Brotherhood. It represents the Cross of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem, made up of a central reed cross, and four crosses in the same way between the separations produced by the transept.
It is traditional for this Brotherhood to wear a purple tunic, a white mask and a cape. The corporate shield of the brotherhood embroidered on the mask and on the cape, they carry a gold-colored cord at the waist. It is complemented with white gloves, black shoes and a medal of the brotherhood.
Although we have talked about the Burial Procession in the origins of Holy Week in Alicante, it will not be until December 10, 1942 when the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher is legally constituted as an entity.
We know little or nothing of the authorship of the recumbent image of Christ, although we do know of the house to which it was commissioned and which carried out the work as well as the rest of the throne. Said throne was paid for by the Hon. Alicante City Council, which reserved its patronage. It is a work of two bodies in carved and gilded wood, in the Baroque style, and that carries the coat of arms of the city of Alicante on the front of it.
It is possibly one of the brotherhoods with the longest history in the city of Alicante. The passage of the Holy Sepulcher closed the annual procession of the Holy Burial, which every Good Friday afternoon, at least since the 19th century, began its journey from the parish of Santa María. At that time it was the only Holy Week procession in the city and between 14 and 16 steps participated, which did not always follow a chronological order of the passion.
At the end of the civil war, the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher, which did not exist as a brotherhood (it disappeared in the mournful years 30), but as an Official Procession, was totally disorganized, and in view of the limited possibilities of reorganizing it in the short term, the junta directive of the Brotherhood of Ntro. Father Jesus, agreed to request the accession of the Holy Sepulcher. On December 10, 1942, the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher was established, attached to that of Our Father Jesus, being therefore his brothers and the governing board the same.
On Good Friday 1943, and with the same uniformity as Our Father Jesus, the brotherhood procession for the first time. In 1944 the white cape was added, with the coat of arms of the Order of the Holy Sepulcher at the height of the left shoulder, and in 1945 the white cap with the same coat of arms was released, at the height of the chest.
At present, this brotherhood, together with the Mater Desolata Penitential Brotherhood and the Brotherhood of the Soledad de Santa María, make up the Holy Burial Procession, official of the city.
Musical contribution to Holy Week