Hermandad Penitencial del Perdón


Foundation year: 1956

Canonical See: Santa Iglesia Concathedral of San Nicolás de Bari



Sculptural Group of the Christ of ForgivenessMost Holy Christ of Forgiveness • Hermanos Blanco 1956. Thieves Dimas y Gestas • Hermanos Blanco 1956

Image Mariana: Maria Medianera of all Graces • Anonymous 1957



It is made up of its central axis by the Holy Cross. At the bottom we find the symbol of the Alpha and Omega. And in the transept of the cross we find a Chrismon, meaning of the first Christian communities, and that makes direct reference to Christ.



It is traditional for this Brotherhood to wear a burlap tunic and black mask. Given the austerity of their attire, on the mask they wear the medal of the corporation, a cross with a red cord and at the waist an intertwined esparto rope. It is completed with white gloves and black shoes, although it is traditional for a large part of its participants to go barefoot.



In the bosom of the Marian Congregation of Alicante, in 1956, this Brotherhood was established, promoted by the much loved and remembered Father Fontova, to whom Alicante dedicated, in this year 2000, a landscaped square in the San Blas neighborhood.


The Statutes were approved on April 17, 1957 and where it was stated that it was constituted to commemorate with penitential exemplary and true Christian spirit, the Sacred Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ during the solemnities of Holy Week, always avoiding vain ostentations. For this reason, this Brotherhood is, together with the Good Death, one of the most austere and collected during Holy Week in Alicante.


In an austere and penitential style, its members wear a jute tunic, a black hood and a jute cross sandal, carrying heavy crosses and torches. During the tour, the brothers pray the holy rosary, giving the procession a marked style of silence and recollection. The image of the Virgin had the invocation of the "Crown of Thorns", processioning with the brotherhood of the same name (currently with the name of Great Power and Hope) in 1942, thanks to the donation made by the Salvetti family . At the end of the 50s, the carving would go to the brotherhood of Forgiveness, which would opt for the change in dedication, calling itself María Medianera de Todos las Gracias.


 Lacking a seat and a church that would welcome them, during the period 1976-1983 they would participate in a single processional procession that would leave the parish of María Auxiliadora and in which the Brotherhood of the Great Power and the Santa Cena of Alicante would also participate. Since 1983, it establishes its headquarters in the S. I. Co-Cathedral of San Nicolás de Bari, processioning again independently

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