Hermandad Penitencial Mater Desolata
Foundation year: 1948
Canonical See: San José de Carolinas Parish
Most Holy Christ of Expiration and of the Holy Spirit • José María Leal Bernáldez 2018
Mater Desolata. The desolation of the Virgin before the empty Cross • Juan Giner Masegosa
It is made up of different acronyms of the nomenclature of the brotherhood. We find as a central axis a cross on which an M and a P are superimposed, referring to the Penitential Brotherhood of Mater Desolata. In other words, Mary at the foot of the empty cross, all in black and simulated forging.
It is traditional for this Brotherhood to wear a red tunic and mask. The corporate shield of the brotherhood embroidered on the mask, they carry a red cord at the waist. It is complemented with white gloves, black shoes and a medal of the brotherhood.
It arises on April 30, 1948 with the name of the Penitential Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus before the Praetorium, recovering the disappeared Brotherhood of La Sentencia that processioned through the streets of Alicante in the last century.
On November 9 of the same year, seven months later, it was decided to change the name to Mater Desolata Penitential Brotherhood, parading with the image of the desolate Virgin before the empty cross, the work of the sculptor Juan Giner Masegosa.
The constitution of this Penitential Brotherhood is due to the officials of the old National Welfare Institute, its first president being the Provincial Delegate in Alicante, Mr. Pablo Espejo Maroto.
Since its first departure in 1949, it has always been in procession on Good Friday, although in 1959 it stopped participating in Alicante's Holy Week by not being allowed to move its processional parade to Holy Saturday.
On January 2, 1985, it reorganized itself, leaving in procession from the Parish of Santa María, in the previous stage it had been doing so from the Parish of Nuestra Señora de Gracia.
Between the years 1990 to 1993, the disappearance of this Brotherhood is raised again, this time for reasons of few members of the same and lack of organizational responsibility within it. This did not finally happen but, in 1994, a group of Brothers assumed the responsibility of carrying out the Brotherhood with a new project and looking for a new headquarters for the entity, remaining fixed in the Parish of San José de Carolinas, in the neighborhood of Las Carolinas.
As a curiosity, we will say that on May 1, 1947, in the session held by the Junta Mayor, the intention of the parish priest of San José de Carolinas was indicated, to constitute a new Brotherhood that would parade in 1948.41 This was not carried out but , the Mater Desolata Brotherhood, as we have previously indicated, will comply with it, without knowledge of the cause, with its new settlement in 1994 in the Parish of San José.
In 2012 the brotherhood added a small Crucified to its processional procession, which would be carried by the high school students of the San José de Carolinas school. Given the good reception of the passage of Christ, and after several years of work, in 2018 a new carving of the Christ of the Expiration and the Holy Spirit of the Sevillian image maker D. José María Leal is blessed, carrying out his first penance station on the night of the Good Friday 2019.
This brotherhood, together with the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher and the Brotherhood of the Soledad de Santa María, make up the Procession of the Holy Burial, official of the city
Musical contribution to Holy Week